Tuesday, January 22, 2008

By James C. Tanner


A Lazy Way To Make Automatic Profits!


There are several things a person must take into consideration when reviewing a potential online business opportunity.

First, does the web address or any mailing, or physical address have any form of recognized history with the Online Better Business Bureau? Does any name of any individual associated with those addresses have an unsatifactory history with the Better Business Bureau? Businesses which cater to the public will generate complaints no matter how hard they try to please the public. It's important to review existing BBB complaints and measure any attempt on the part of the company to resolve old complaints.

Second, does the product offer a guarantee, and can it be purchased through a secure vendor, whereby the transaction can be reversed should a dispute arise?

Third, is the product comprehensive, detailed and easy to understand so even a novice can work with it?

Fourth, can the system be duplicated to make money in more than one way, (i.e. servicing more than one product, more than one company, etc.)?

Fifth, does it deliver what it claims to deliver? Does it work? Does it make money?

Sixth, will this business be able to run on "autopilot" or in an automated format, so as to require as little supervision as is possible, freeing you up to do other things?

Seventh, is there going to be an unrealistic upfront cost to get started in this business? It costs money to make money. Online business opportunities and programs should all cost something, that's fair economy. However, you don't want to discover you've paid $1000.00 for a business program, when someone else is offering a slightly different version that will do the same thing for $49.00.

With any financial transaction or business opportunity the rule in life is always "Buyer Beware". Time spent researching before one signs on the dotted line can often help to put a person's mind at ease when it comes to knowing a good risk from a bad one. There are too many excellent opportunities too give up and develop a skeptical attitude with regards to them all.

Grab hold of the excellence life has to offer.

About the Author

© 2008 James C. Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

James C. Tanner of
http://www.silent-wonder.com is a retired entrepreneur, investigator, business trainer and published writer. Helping people find solutions to home internet business directions.

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